Lara Cappelli

Cappelli’s project floral line shows the family archives in order to bring awareness to rediscover the many women icons within her family. Furthermore, she begins looking at her archival images of her mum and great grandmothers, however, as an artist Lara wanted to juxtapose the femininity by using flowers which represent strength and resilience.

This then led into the idea of reconnecting with each women who participated in the recreation. I believe that the narrative shows the exploration of women hood, memory and the familiar faces in the everyday.

In conjunction the floral line project shows us the viewer that the idea of memory is not exclusive to one individual but the effects of a family experiencing the same moment collectively. This  shows us that a perspective from a feminists point of you in defining her own identity as a strong independent women in the 21st century, when opinions are somewhat more welcome than previous years.

The images below shows the narrative clearly: as the nature represents fragility but the colour represents strength. This is  why I believe it is a fitting image to accompany this recent overview of the talented photographer Lara Capelli.

The Anthropocene

The image denotes that there is a man and his dog sitting in amongst a landfill full of plastic and thrown out rubbish. The man looks down at what looks like or preceived as a mobile phone of sorts. Furthermore, the vibrant background colours which are mostly primary colours which makes it sharper and more confusing for the eye to see.

On the other hand, the connotation of the photograph suggests that we are living in what we know in recent years as the Anthropocene. This includes the knowledge of the environmental wastage and climate change. Moreover we have been so caught up with the fascination of technology that we have forgotten about protecting our environment from the human species.

The link between denotation, connotation and the article is that it brings up a situation we are now coming to terms with and have been living with it for years unaware of the destruction we have caused to the biological tissues of our world. In addition to this the quote below sums up my thoughts on the Anthropocene and how we are again unaware of the environmental issues we face today.

“There is already an official
narrative of the Anthropocene: ‘we’, the human species, unconsciously destroyed
nature to the point of hijacking the Earth system into a new geological epoch.”
 Pg. 12

Panadora landfill, 3, plastics recycling, Nairobi Kenya, 2016


‘Wonder’ was created in hopes that we as a society break the taboo conversation on how women, the environment and relationships have been forgotten in  especially in todays world.

Improvements for future development:

Originally I wanted to display my work on separate shelves however once I got there it made sense to join them together to make it  more consistent within its story telling and movement. Understanding this, I could then move on to improve the finer details such as the  fishing wire being  tighter and the shelvings being higher to be more visible for the audience.  Another improvement I could have been to have strengthened the publication  because it was a little flimsy. Placing a back of cardboard to each of the books would been more suitable and I can work on this for professional development for the future.

The expansion of the project could be to detail the broader research of eco feminism within my digital workbook and more in depth research on how my images  would relate with one another and for the text have a consistent relationship between the narrative and the photograph. 

Using Format